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Growth Playbook

Change “I couldn’t” to “I chose not to”

With self-improvement, we often hear about goals habits, and the relentless pursuit of personal excellence. But underlying all of these is an often-overlooked power: the ability to take full responsibility for our actions and choices.

It’s about understanding that success and failure don’t happen to us – in large part, they happen because of us.

Think of those who you are inspired by. Some would say they have talent, but what if we looked at their determination instead? They show up, even on the those days when everything seems to go wrong. They recognize that their setbacks are often not the result of solely external factors but rather points of reflection from which they can improve. Taking responsibility is their “talent.”

The Excuse Trap: Why It’s Holding You Back

It may seem like a slippery slope into excuse-making mode. The traffic was bad, a colleague dropped the ball, there’s so much going on in my life, you don’t understand…all valid reasons, right? The truth is, they are merely distractions. Each excuse is a way to dodge the uncomfortable, yet empowering, reality: we are in greater control of our lives than we often believe.

When we blame circumstances, we surrender our power. In a sense, becoming helpless passengers in our own lives. But taking responsibility puts us back in the driver’s seat – It’s liberating and a pillar of grit.

The Path to Accountability: Where to Begin

Breaking the excuse cycle and moving forward to personal growth, here’s four steps to get you going:

Mindset Switch: The first step is to realize that you are the architect of your own results. Like an athlete analyzing a match, start dissecting your successes and failures with ruthless honesty. Ask yourself, “Could I have done anything differently? Could I have tried harder, planned better, or responded more wisely” Remember, this isn’t about self-blame but rather self-awareness.

No Blame, but Lessons: When things go sideways, don’t play the blame game. It solves nothing. Instead, focus on what you can learn. A delayed project is an opportunity to improve communication. A strained relationship can help hone your empathy. Every setback holds a lesson if you are willing to see it.

The Power of “Because:” After experiencing a “failure, when you catch yourself starting a sentence with “I couldn’t…” pivot. Change that to “…because I didn’t…” This simple shift in wording also shifts the lens, bringing self-control back into focus. You didn’t get that workout in because you didn’t prioritize it, not because the world is working against you.

Forward Focus: Dwelling on the past is useless once you’ve extracted the valuable lessons. Take ownership, apologize if needed, and redirect your energy towards positive action. What steps can you take right now – no matter how small – to improve your outcomes?

Responsibility as a Muscle

Just like training, you can build strength or capacity in other areas, taking responsibility is a practice that builds resilience. The more you do it, the easier and more natural it becomes. Through consistency, awareness, and intentional action, you will see a shift:

Reduced Stress: When you stop focusing on things outside your control, a sense of calm descends.

Improved Problem-Solving: Your focus shifts to solutions, not blame. Creativity and resourcefulness will flow instead of regret and doubt.

Stronger Relationships: People respect those who take ownership. Your relationships will grow more honest and supportive.

Deep Self-Respect: Nothing builds confidence like knowing that you have your own back.

A hard truth for many to accept – The world is unpredictable and full of challenges. Excuses offer temporary comfort but rob us of the ability to grow, adapt, and thrive. Taking responsibility, on the other hand, is the fuel that powers us towards lasting growth and fulfillment. It’s a choice. A commitment. A dedication to ourselves and are the roots of grit.