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Growth Playbook

The Secret Habit of History Makers

The world doesn’t belong to the complacent. It doesn’t wait for those who only dream, who cling to the ideas of who they are and continue to say “what if…” and “maybe someday.” The world is shaped, molded, and moved forward by the relentless, the bold, and the ones who questioned the limits.

The Power of Seeing the Unseen

The foundation of any relentless pursuit isn’t physical strength, it’s in the strength of your mind. It’s about seeing past the “impossible.” And here, visualization is an incredible tool. It’s a tool that Olympians to the Entrepreneurs of the world use to move the needle forward.

Visualization is more than positive thinking. It’s a process that rewires your brain for possibility. It’s the detailed mental rehearsal that allows you to work through problems, anticipate the necessary steps, and focus when action begins.

If this is new to you, here are some ways to apply it:

Get Specific: Don’t stay at the surface. See it crystal clear. What does it look like, feel like, and even smell like?

Involve the Senses: Visualization works better when it engages all of you. So don’t just picture an image, feel yourself in it – the emotions, the sounds, the grit, and even sweat.

Practice. Again and again: This isn’t a one-time fix. The more you practice and visualize, the stronger the pathways in your mind become, making achieving that vision feel more natural.

It's (Mostly) in the Doing

Let’s get real. Vision without action is a pipedream. The clear image in your head needs legs, or arms, or whatever you imagine to move you forward. This is where you need to get gritty. Where the act of “doing” comes in.

A few articles back, we discussed the idea of “talent.” In short, they aren’t special or gifted people, they are people who had the willingness to do, to practice, to fail, and to pick themselves up again. They embraced the long, unglamorous work that takes a dream into reality.

This is where two key concepts come in:

The Talent Myth: We overestimate innate ability, forgetting the unseen hours of practice. Every pro was once an amateur. It means you can develop any skill and break any self-limitations with focused work.

Incremental Progress: Big leaps come from tiny steps. Don’t be overwhelmed by the end goal. Focus on the next small move, then the next. This is what creates and keeps momentum alive.

You Were Built for This

Another moment to get real. Pushing boundaries hurts. The voice of doubt will always find its way, even to the people we see as “strong minded.” It’s within these moments to remember you, like every human, are wired for growth. Discomfort isn’t a signal to quit, it’s the sensation of stepping out of your norm – it’s expansion.

The world needs unique. It might be small, personal changes that ripple out of those around you. It might be the pursuit of seemingly insane ambition. Whatever it is, don’t let it go undeveloped. The world isn’t shaped by accepting limits, but by those refusing to accept the norm.

Be one of them. It’s in you.